1080 monitor black screen with JP 6 (36.3.0) with Linux kernel 6.8.7 in AGX Orin

I’m working on Jetson AGX Orin (32G) kit with JP 6 (36.3.0) with the Linux kernel 6.8.7. Everything works well when I use a Samsung LC34G55T monitor (3440 x 1440). Nevertheless, when I use a 1920x1080 monitor, I am able to see the Linux boot messages, but I see a black screen when Gnome try to start.

I have found the following:

  1. This happens only when the 1920x1080 monitor is connected from boot. If the monitor is connected 1 minute after boot, the display is working correctly.
  2. With JP 6 (36.3.0) with the Linux kernel 5.15 the 1920x1080 monitor works ok connected from boot, or after boot.
  3. From Xorg messages I have seen this:

When is connected from boot in JP36.3.0 kernel 6.8.7
NVIDIA(0): Setting mode “DP-0: 1920x1080_60_0 @1920x1080 +0+0 {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}”

When is connected after 1 min in JP36.3.0 kernel 6.8.7
(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode “DP-0: 1920x1080_60_0 @1920x1080 +0+0 {AllowGSYNC=Off, ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}”

When is connected from boot in JP36.3.0 kernel 5.15
(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode “DP-0: 1920x1080_60_0 @1920x1080 +0+0 {ViewPortIn=1920x1080, ViewPortOut=1920x1080+0+0}”

It looks like that my 1920x1080 monitor does not support GSYNC, but the bug is that in boot the AGX is detecting erroneously the GSYNC.

I attach the full bug report for the different configurations:

JP36.3.0 kernel 6.8.7 with 1920x1080 monitor connected from boot
logs_jp3630_k687_d1080_con_form_boot_nvidia-bug-report-jetson.log (585.1 KB)

JP36.3.0 kernel 6.8.7 with 1920x1080 monitor connected 1 minute after boot
logs_jp3630_k687_d1080_con_after_1min_nvidia-bug-report-jetson.log (713.6 KB)

JP36.3.0 kernel 5.15 with 1920x1080 monitor connected from boot
logs_jp3630_k515_d1080_con_form_boot_nvidia-bug-report-jetson.log (612.4 KB)

JP36.3.0 kernel 6.8.7 with 3440x1440 monitor connected from boot
logs_agx_jp3630_k687_d1440_nvidia-bug-report-jetson.log (773.8 KB)

This looks similar to
No DP output on R36.3 with 6.8 kernel on Dell U2414H

Certain monitors may not work properly in later Kernel release. We would suggest try this:
No DP output on R36.3 with 6.8 kernel on Dell U2414H - #8 by DaneLLL

To check the issue begins from which version.

Standard 6.0GA(with K5.15) is well tested in SQA coverage. Would suggest consider use the standard release.


Thanks for your fast response. Unfortunately I have to work with at least Linux Kernel 6.8. I think there is a bug detecting the display capabilities in boot time. Meanwhile, do you know if can I disable the GSync with a command line parameter or something else?


Orin doesn’t support gsync and it is uncertain where the setting is from. If you suspect it is about gsync, you may try to disable it in xorg.conf. Or disable gsync to the display device.


Thanks for you repleay. I found a hot fix for this. I think that the problem is the simple-framebuffer driver from kernel 6.8.7. When the display is not connected on boot, the UEFI and the simple-framebuffer driver did not start the display. Then, when we connect the display after boot, is the nvdisplay driver who first init successfully the display. This, because the UEFI did not pass the framebuffer configuration to the kernel device tree, in order that the simple-framebuffer driver inits the display.

My hot fix is to assign a dummy driver name to the framebuffer node in the device tree. In this way, the UEFI will not init the display, and then not pass the framebuffer configuration to the simple-framebuffer driver in the kernel.

	chosen {
		framebuffer {
			//compatible = "simple-framebuffer";
            compatible = "nvidia-dummy";
			status = "disabled";

With this hot fix, my 1080p display works when is connected from boot.

The cons is that we lost the Linux boot messages. A permanent fix should be done by analyzing what causes the problem in the simple-framebuffer driver from Nvidia Linux 5.15 to main stream Linux 6.8.

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Solved in No DP output on R36.3 with 6.8 kernel on Dell U2414H by reverting kernel commit 5727dcfd8486399c40e39d2c08fe36fedab29d99 ("fbdev: Make registered_fb[] private to fbmem.c") and building clean (“make clean”) to ensure conftest is updated.

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BTW, attached is the patch to revert 5727dcfd8486399c40e39d2c08fe36fedab29d99 in kernel 6.8.7
0001-Revert-fbdev-Make-registered_fb-private-to-fbmem.c.txt (1.8 KB)

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