2 installation issues for Isaac 2020.1 and the workarounds I found

@atorabi thanks very much for your comments and we’re very excited by the new features that are here already and the fast pace of your continued development

Just a quick note that for us any particular version of Jetpack is less important than just being able to follow the installation instructions. Right now it is not possible because of an inconsistency… selecting Jetpack 4.3 makes the target work but bombs out in the host because the specific version of libvisionworks cannot be found, and selecting Jetpack 4.4 makes the host install cleanly but then on the target Isaac has an undefined symbol.

Manually installing CUDA 10.0 didn’t work for us because we were missing the fix to the path pointed out by @michael.c.neil in post Isaac Sim Unity3D 2020 Undefined Symbol - #8 by cobraviaee