2D convolution on DLA and GPU at the same time


I’m trying to deploy a model on Xavier AGX using DLA and GPU. All 2D convolutions are implemented on DLA, but two of them are implemented on GPU too. I don’t understand why is this happening. I have read this post: [[Xavier NX + DLA] does not support dynamic shapes, and CBUF size requirement], but I’m not sure that the problem is the same (my Jetpack version is 4.5.1).

I attach the warning with the deployment of layers on GPU and DLA.

I want to use only DLA for this implementation, but I don’t know how to do that.

Thanks, Paula.


The message indicates that these layers are not supported by the DLA.
Please note that there is some constraint in the DLA-supported convolution layer.

You can find the details below:



I know that the message indicates that these layers are not supported by the DLA, but I mean that the same convolution layer is “divided” between DLA and GPU. Note that conv2d and conv2d_5 layers are on DLA and GPU at the same time.

Thanks, Paula.


The complete layer name is StatefulPartitionedCall/.../Conv2D.
So they are two different layers.
