3d array problem compiling

running on Ubuntu 9.0.4, CUDA 2.3, Nvidia driver 190.53, card GeForce 9800 gx2,
compiling error

mmaurier@mmaurier-desktop:~/src/vcg/vcg-float/cuda03$ pgf90 -O3 -Mcuda test02.f90
NOTE: your trial license will expire in 12 days, 7.24 hours.
NOTE: your trial license will expire in 12 days, 7.24 hours.
/tmp/pgcudaforGP7eGFJZMPTs.gpu(26): error: identifier “pgf90_dev_common” is undefined

1 error detected in the compilation of “/tmp/pgnvdkQ7eEkrwubFO.nv0”.
PGF90-F-0000-Internal compiler error. pgnvd job exited with nonzero status code 0 (test02.f90: 21)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 10.3-0: compilation aborted

I only have 12 day to test this code…
Thank you

module vars

	integer, parameter :: NR=50 

end module vars

module kernel
  use cudafor


attributes(global) subroutine setArray_kernel(thing)
	real, device, dimension(50,50,50) :: thing
	integer,device :: it,yt,zt

	it = threadidx%x + (blockidx%x-1) * blockdim%x
  	yt = threadidx%y + (blockidx%y-1) * blockdim%y
  	zt = threadidx%z + (blockidx%z-1) * blockdim%z
  	thing(it,yt,zt) = 100.0

end subroutine setArray_kernel

end module kernel

! ----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine setArray(x)

  	use cudafor   
 	use kernel
  	type(dim3) :: dimGrid, dimBLock
  	real, dimension(50,50,50) :: x
  	real, allocatable, device, dimension(:,:,:) :: a
  	integer nt,ng     

  	write(0,*) "about allocate"
  	write(0,*) "after allocate"
	! .. 100 threads
  	dimGrid =  dim3(5,5,5)
  	dimBlock = dim3(10,10,10)
  	write(0,*) "before a=x"
  	a= x
  	write(0,*) "after a=x"
  	call setArray_kernel<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>> (a)
  	write(0,*) "after kernel call"
  	i = cudathreadsynchronize()
  	write(0,*) "about to do x=a"
  	x= a

end subroutine setArray

! ----------------------------------------------------------------

program test
	use vars
  	real ha(NR,NR,NR)

  	print *,ha(1,1,1),ha(2,2,2), ha(50-1,1,1),ha(50,2,2)
  	call setArray(ha)
  	print *,ha(1,1,1),ha(2,2,2), ha(50-1,1,1),ha(50,2,2)
end program

Hi mmaurier,

I see two issues here. The first one is a compiler error when using “blockidx%z” causing the undefined identifier error. I sent a report to our engineers (TPR#16806).

The second issue is that you’re using more then the maximum number of threads. While the max varies from card to card, on my Telsa the max is 512. However, you’re using 1000 (i.e. “dimBlock = dim3(10,10,10)”).

Because of these issue, I would suggest having the threads map to the first dimensions of the array and then have each thread loop through the z dimension. For example:

% cat thing.cuf
module vars

   integer, parameter :: NR=50

end module vars

module kernel
  use cudafor


attributes(global) subroutine setArray_kernel(thing)
   real, device, dimension(50,50,50) :: thing
   integer, device :: it,yt,zt

   it = threadidx%x + (blockidx%x-1) * blockdim%x
     yt = threadidx%y + (blockidx%y-1) * blockdim%y
     do zt=1,50
        thing(it,yt,zt) = 100.0

end subroutine setArray_kernel

end module kernel

! ----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine setArray(x)

     use cudafor
     use kernel
     type(dim3) :: dimGrid, dimBLock
     real, dimension(50,50,50) :: x
     real, allocatable, device, dimension(:,:,:) :: a
     integer nt,ng

     write(0,*) "about allocate"
     write(0,*) "after allocate"
   ! .. 100 threads
     dimGrid =  dim3(5,5,1)
     dimBlock = dim3(10,10,1)
     write(0,*) "before a=x"
     a= x
     write(0,*) "after a=x"
     call setArray_kernel<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>> (a)
     write(0,*) "after kernel call"
     i = cudathreadsynchronize()
     write(0,*) "about to do x=a"
     x= a

end subroutine setArray

! ----------------------------------------------------------------

program test
   use vars
     real ha(NR,NR,NR)

     print *,ha(1,1,1),ha(2,2,2), ha(50-1,1,1),ha(50,50,50)
     call setArray(ha)
     print *,ha(1,1,1),ha(2,2,2), ha(50-1,1,1),ha(50,50,50)
end program
% pgf90 thing.cuf -o thing.out
% thing.out
    9.000000        9.000000        9.000000        9.000000
 about allocate
 after allocate
 before a=x
 after a=x
 after kernel call
 about to do x=a
    100.0000        100.0000        100.0000        100.0000

Hope this helps,

Hi mmaurier,

FYI, I’ve verified that TPR#16806 will be fixed in release 10.5.
