4.7.2 toolchain


The default toolchain version in VS is 4.7.2, but the NDK (r8d) included in the tegra-devpack-2.0 has no arm-linux-androideabi-4.7.2 toolchain.

The Nsight Tegra, Visual Studio Edition User Guide state that:
“Android NDK r8 packaged with Tegra Android Development Pack (TADP)
contains GDB 7.2 within its arm-linux-androideabi-4.7.2 toolchain.”

([url]Tegra Android Toolkit Documentation)

Where can I get the modified NDK?


Seems to be a bad install issue.

what was the install issue? did something happen during the install?


Somehow I’ve got two versions of the r8d NDK installed:
one in “C:\NVNDK” and the other in “C:\NVPACK”.

The one in C:\NVPACK was missing the 4.7.2 toolchain.
I don’t know how it got there but I’m now using the NDK in C:\NVNDK and all is fine.

Hi, Elih

In normal, the NVNDK should be in c:\NVPACK\NVNDK.

Sounds there is an issue, but we don’t know how it happened so far. Is there anything strange during your TADP installation?

  1. I’m using “tegra-devpack-2.0-windows-2013-02-06-14961502.exe”.
  2. In the install option I chose “Custom”
  3. Un-check everything except “Android NDK r8d”
  4. The NDK get installed at “C:NVPACKandroid-ndk-r8d”.
  5. No “arm-linux-androideabi-4.7.2” in “toolchains” folder.

Ok, looks my reponse is too late.

The 4.7.2 toolchain is included in NVNDK, that comes in Nsight Tegra. It is not in Google NDK r8d.


Could you please search for the arm-linux-androideabi-4.7.2 folder on your machine? There may be a bug that causes NVNDK to be installed somewhere else and not into C:\NVPACK. Please also note that you will have two NDKs on your machine after running the TADP installer - one is Google’s vanilla r8d and one is NVNDK r8d.


I run the installer again to be sure:

In the install option I chose “Custom”

  1. checking "Android NDK r8d" install option: installs the Google's NDK at C:\NVPACK\android-ndk-r8d\
  2. checking "NVIDIA Nsight Tegra 1.1 Visual Studio Edition": creates the file android-ndk-r8d.exe in C:\NVNDK\.

The NVIDIA NDK is not being installed.
Double clicking on android-ndk-r8d.exe installs the NVIDIA NDK in C:\NVNDK\android-ndk-r8d\


Is where it installed mine. From a clean install 2 days ago.


Is where 4.7.2 is.

I had a similar issue:

I custom re-installed NVPACK from tegra-devpack-2.0-windows-2013-02-06-14961502.exe
but didn’t include NSight Tegra in that (as I figured I already had the latest version installed)

On completion, I didn’t get the NVPACK/NKNDK folder installed, so no 4.7.2 toolchain.

Just re-installing the latest NSight Tegra did the trick.