About IPP performance

Hardware Platform: [DRIVE AGX Xavier™ Developer Kit]
Software Version: [DRIVE Software 10]
Host Machine Version: [Ubuntu 18.04]
SDK Manager Version: [Example:]

I would like to use IPP to record raw data from 4 cameras.

But I try using the ipp_raw sample with 1 camera, ICP DROP occured.

I think the NvMediaImageGetBits function is slow.

How can I prevent ICP DROP?
icp_drop.log (4.3 KB)

Hi @N.Miya,

Please refer to this topic and see if helps.

Hi @VickNV

Thank you for your reply.

I’m using SSD connected by eSATA port.
I tried “To initialize your USB disk (Linux)” and " To optimize your platform to store recorded data (Linux)", and increase write speed from 213 MB/s to 464 MB/s raised.

However, using the ipp_raw sample with 1 camera, ICP DROP is still occurring.
Is there any other way to prevent ICP DROP?

Because IPP will be deprecated from the next release, I would suggest you to put efforts into SIPL instead of IPP. Thanks!

I’ve tried the nvsipl_camera sample, but it occur CAPTURE_FRAME_DROP.
sipl_1camera.log (6.5 KB)

Does AGX need to develop the system assuming frame drop?

Do you see the issue on DRIVE Software 10 natively suppoted camera models (those with NVIDIA as contact in the camera table in DRIVE Ecosystem - Hardware and Software | NVIDIA Developer (as below)? If yes, what’s the command for our reproduce?

If it’s specific to IMX390 with your driver implementation, you need to contact your NVIDIA representative for the debugging.

I also tried the sample with the SF3325 camera, but CAPTURE_FRAME_DROP occurred.

I used command is here.

/home/nvidia/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/nvmedia/nvsipl/test/camera/nvsipl_camera --platform-config “SF3325_DPHY_x2” --link-enable-masks “0x0000 0x0001 0x0000 0x0000” --showfps -d 0 -w 1 -v 2 -f “test” --enableRawOutput
sipl_SF3325.log (7.1 KB)

I think that when I record a camera with AGX, CAPTURE DROP occurs.

Please tell me for reference.
When recording an IMX390(or fullhd 30fps camera), how much CAPTURE DROP will occur on one and four connections respectively?

Thanks for the command! I can observe the CAPTURE_FRAME_DROP warning on my side now. I’ll check with the team and let you know.

Are you asking for recording?

Yes, I want to know when recording camera data , how much CAPTURE DROP will occur.

In the next release, we have some enhancements for file writer in the sample. Please try if not creating a file for each frame (in CNvSIPLConsumer.hpp) can help this frame dropping issue. Thanks!

When is the next release?
Is the write process a problem that causes ICP DROP?
Isn’t the ICP capture process a problem?

For the schedule of the next release, please contact with your nvidia representative. I don’t provide the information here.

On DRIVE Software 10, without “–enableRawOutput” argument, I cannot observe the CAPTURE_FRAME_DROP messages. On the next release, even with the argument, I don’t observe the issue. FYI.