About isaac lab "is it possible usd to python?"

Hello. I have a question about isaac lab.

in isaac lab tutorial code.

cfg = sim_utils.UsdFileCfg(usd_path="omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/4.1/Isaac/Robots/1X/Neo/neo.usd")
cfg.func("/World/Objects/Table", cfg, translation=(5.0, 0.0, 1.05))

by this code, we can get usd file in simulation by python code.

It is possible to open a ‘object’

but, i want to open factory world.

But, when i open it by similar method, it can not work

cfg1 = sim_utils.UsdFileCfg(usd_path=“omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/4.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/warehouse_with_forklifts.usd”)
cfg1.func(“/World/factory”, cfg1)

from this code.

why is it happen?