About NvRmMemCacheSyncForCpu failed

hi all ,when i run my owner app ,i found that sometimes will have the following warnings ,and then the app will be down,so whether the function NvBufferMemSyncForCpu cause the warnigs , and how can i fix it ?

NvMapMemCacheMaint:1075858956 failed [99]
Warning: NvRmMemCacheSyncForCpu not successful
NvMapMemCacheMaint:1075858956 failed [99]
Warning: NvRmMemCacheSyncForCpu not successful
NvMapMemCacheMaint:1075858956 failed [99]
Warning: NvRmMemCacheSyncForCpu not successful

NvRmMemCacheSyncForCpu() is low-level function and cannot be called in application layer. If your application is based on jetson_multimedia_api, you may check which function fails and triggers the print.

And if you don’t use JP4.4.1(r32.4.4) or JP4.5(r32.5), you may upgrade to the latest release and check if the issue is present.

[quote=“DaneLLL, post:3, topic:166672”]

hi DaneLLL,yes i use the jetson_multimedia_api, but in that api ,how can i know which funciton triggers the print ,just have to try the NvBufferMemSyncForCpu that function ?

You may add debug prints to identify the function such as:

printf("calling NvBufferTransform() \n");
printf("calling NvBufferTransform() done \n");

hi DaneLLL ,thanks for your help ,another question is whether that following link question is fixed


No. It is still under investigation.