About sample_lidar_accumulator

When I downloaded raw data of kitti’s velodrone,

And tried to read this in the dw accumulator,
$ ./sample_lidar_accumulator --device=VELO_HDL64E --file=[DOWNLOAD]/data/testing/velodyne/0028/000134.bin
Driveworks exception thrown: DW_FAILURE: LidarVirtual: unknown lidar type

but it does not seem to support it. Is that right?

The kitti data seems to use Velodyne HDL-64E.
See : The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite

Dear forgott,

Could you please refer to page 11(Supported Sensors) in DriveWorks DevGuide.pdf file?
DPX2 support Velodyne (VPL16, HDL32E, HDL 64-S3).
I’m not sure kitti’s velodyne data you mentioned used VELO_HDL64E or not. Thanks.

I still use the sample code without actually connecting to drivepx2. The Lidar Accumulator Sample README states that 64E is supported as shown below.

#### Running the Sample

The command line for the sample to run with live Lidar sensor is:

    ./sample_lidar_accumulator --ip=[Lidar IP address] --port=[Lidar port]
    --device=[type of device] --scan-frequency=[valid frequency]
    --mode=[sync or async]
    --maxDistance[max distance in meters to select the Lidar points]
    --minDistance[min distance in meters to select the Lidar points]
    --minAngle[min angle in degrees to select the Lidar points]
    --maxAngle[max angle in degrees to select the Lidar points]
    --smooth-window-size[1, 2, 4, 8]
    --lidar-image-type[depth-xyz, depth-xy or intensity]

- The Lidar must be connected to the network.
- Currently supported devices are Quanergy M8 [QUAN_M81A], 
  Velodyne VPL16 [VELO_VPL16], Velodyne HDL32 [VELO_HDL32E] and Velodyne HDL64E [VELO_HDL64E]

Dear forgott,

Yes, DPX2 supports VPL16, HDL32E, HDL 64-S3 I mentioned previous.
I’m not sure whether “Kitti’s velodyne data” used VELO_HDL64E or not. Thanks.