About sdcard image for AI

can we re-open this because im seeing that its not true that you can run the DLI course , using containers , on a Xavier.

Heres a question where i documented my troubles.

here is the docker run command i used.
sudo docker run --runtime nvidia -it --rm --network host --volume ~/org/nvdli-data:/nvdli-nano/data --device /dev/video0 nvcr.io/nvidia/dli/dli-nano-ai:v2.0.1-r32.5.0

of course its the dli-nano-ai:v2.0.1-r32.5.0 docker image which works on my nano2g just fine. since im using the nano 2g jetpack 4.5.1 os image
but then when i use the xavier nx os image with the same docker image for the DLI the camera has problems.