About state of GPIO03(126pin) at POR in Jetson Xavier NX

I have two questions.

(1)The GPIO03 is Low at POR in my carrier board. Thereafter the GPIO03 is set Low by software. So, I expect to be always the GPIO03=Low. But the GPIO03 has the short Hi-Z duration on Power ON or Reboot.
Why do the short Hi-z duration occur ?

(2)The GPIO03 supplies 1.4V at the Hi-Z duration in my carrier board. In this case, Are there at the risk of damage on Jetson Xavier NX?

Hi, the pin status during power on is fixed for its design. During power on, carrier design should NOT affect the shared IO pins status.

Hi, thank you for your reply.
I may have misunderstood you. sorry.
I am making modified new board based on carrier board.
I would like to ask two questions about GPIO03 again.

My expectation is that GPIO03 will maintain output Low from the power-up sequence to the kernel boots.
Therefore when I refer to the document of Jetson_Xavier_NX_Pinmux_Configuration_Template_v1.06, GPIO03 is Drive0(output is low).
Therefore, I am trying to always LOW by setting push-pull output LOW in software, but there is a Hi-Z period from the power-up sequence to the kernel boot. why?
(In my experiment, when I attached an external pull-up resistor to GPIO03, there was a period of high from the power-up sequence to the kernel boot. Therefore I’m guessing there is a period when GPIO03 is Hi-Z.)

On my board, voltage of 1.4V is applied to GPIO03 from the external during this Hi-Z period. In this case, Are there at the risk of damage on Jetson Xavier NX?

Is the period still pull-up after kernel is up?

There are lots of software stage during the whole boot process, sometimes a pin may be toggled because some driver may use it in these stages.

Thank you for your reply.
After kernel is up, GPIO03 is output LOW.

Could you please reply my question2 ?

On my board, voltage of 1.4V is applied to GPIO03 from the external during this Hi-Z period. In this case, Are there at the risk of damage on Jetson Xavier NX?

Should be no risk. But why is it 1.4V? 1,4v is not a usual level.

Thank you for your reply.
About 1.4V, my schematic have external pull-up and pull-down resistors.
Therefore the GPIO03 are supplied resistor divider voltage.

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