About the Jetson Xavier NX,the debug serial uart port

1、the Nx has three uart(uart0,uart1,uart2), uart2 is for debug function.
2、Our Design is used in the unattended station scene,to prevent system halted,the uart_tx of uart2 is attached to one microcontroler for monitoring the Nx 。The microcontroler check the heartbeat From uart_tx of NX.
3、question:nx start working a few secondes. the uart2 point out :need to sign in, if not log in,No debug information
is show.the microconroler has no way to judge the status of NX.
4、we want the uart2-Tx send heartbeat command。
has good method?

hello qitb,

how about enable the auto-login functionality?
you may send commands through uart serial port, the default uart baudrate is 115200/8n1,

the uart2 works as login control terminal。
we hope the uart2 works as debug serial.for example, time of 1S print a message.the microcontroler check the message to juge the nx is live.

of cource,wo use the [Development Board] one GPIO of NX connect to microcontroler ,a shell runing set gpio 1 ,set gpio 0.is ok.

hello qitb,

please also refer to Topic 145106 for changing serial console to other uart.