Add watermark in engine file?

Hi @muhammadrizwanmunawar ,
We don’t have the sample for now.
But I think it’s not difficult to implement it by yourself.

Here is the rough idea.

  1. you give a TensorRT engine file encrypted with watermark or other encryption change to nvinfer with “model-engine-file” properity
  2. In nvinfer code - /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/sources/libs/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp
/* Deserialize engine from file */
TrtModelBuilder::deserializeEngine(const std::string& path, int dla)
    std::ifstream fileIn(path, std::ios::binary);
    if (!fileIn.is_open())
            "Deserialize engine failed because file path: %s open error",
        return nullptr;
    ....                       // **---> after file is opened, you can add your own code to remove the watermark or do some things others to 'decrypt' to TensorRT engine** 
    UniquePtrWDestroy<nvinfer1::ICudaEngine> engine =
        runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(, size, factory);           **// ---> TRT API to deserialize the decrypted TRT engine**