AGX AGX Orin Add Heater for SOM(-40 temperature) through add And logic for signal MODULE_POWER_ON

We want SOM work at -40 degeree,so we decide to add a heater for SOM,When at -40,we disable rhe MODULE_POWER_ON signal and heater the SOM temperature to above -25, when temperature rises above -25,then we enable MODULE_POWER_ON signal to power on the SOM,please help to evaluate if it is possibile,thanks,for hardware,we decide to add a AND logic for MODULE_POWER_ON signal before it send to SOM,only tempreature rise above -25,we enable the MODULE_POWER_ON signal.

Here are some suggestions for the common issues:

1. Performance

Please run the below command before benchmarking deep learning use case:

$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks

2. Installation

Installation guide of deep learning frameworks on Jetson:

3. Tutorial

Startup deep learning tutorial:

4. Report issue

If these suggestions don’t help and you want to report an issue to us, please attach the model, command/step, and the customized app (if any) with us to reproduce locally.


could you read my questions carefully? i think you dont get it.

It is OK for module as its lowest storage temp is -40C and -25C @ operational

thanks ,i maily want to confirm if the control logic for SOM has any risk? as we add
AND logic forMODULE_POWER_ON signal compare to carrier board hardware deisn,thanks

Your power delivery could itself just not power the Jetson until a certain temperature is reached. It sounds like you want this to be part of a custom carrier board though, and I couldn’t say if that particular signal is sufficient for your purposes.

I would be tempted to require temperature to be above a certain value for some amount of time to give components time to warm up.

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