AGX Orin system cannot work

Hi NV team:We desiged a carrier board for Orin.We replaced the reference board mcu with an STM32 chip, and referred to the auto timing in the DG, and the current test situation is that the CARRIER_POWER_ON signal is received, but the system still does not work。

Hi, you’d better to check the module pin status during power on. Especially the pin status of strapping pins as listed in Design Guide. Also you can refer to the checklist sheet (attached in the DG) to check your design one by one.

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thanks for your reply!

,this is Power-OFF to On Sequence Auto Power-On Case,whice has different with Design Guide. But we get the CARRIER_POWER_ON signal from module。By measuring we find out SYSTEM_OC_N signal can not be pull up -1.8v.Can you give me some guidance?

SYSTEM_OC_N is an input to module. You should check why it is low on your board.

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