AGX Xavier TPM 2.0 Support

We have developed a custom board in which JAXi is used. There will be a TPM chip(SLM9670A) that is connected to the SPI1 port of JAXi. There are two non-SPI pins (RST# and PIRQ#) on the chip. Do we have to connect these two pins to the JAXi. If so, is there any requirement for pin numbers such as RST# should be connected to the ??? pin and PIRQ# should be connected to the ??? pin?

Best Regards,

Hi mdursun,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Xavier Industrial?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

RST seems the reset pin for your module.
PIRQ seems the interrupt pin for your module.

It depends on your use case that you could choose any 2 available pins not in use on your board.
Please just configure the device tree according to your connection.

Hi Kevin,

We have developed a custom board in which AGX Xavier Industrial is used.

JetPack version is 5.1.2.

I have searched on forum and checked device-tree. I couldn’t find any thing related to these pins.

Ok, I will connect these two pins to unused GPIO pins of the module. But I don’t know how to configure the device-tree file for these pins. Is there any RST and PIRQ pins already defined in device-tree? If there is not, what is the proper stataments to add RST and PIRQ pins to the device tree.

Also if these pins are not used by Xavier TPM driver, I would prefer to not connect them on hardware. Are they optional, or not?

Best Regards,

Please request the porting guide from your TPM module vendor for the usage of the module.
Those pins are used by the custom TPM driver so that you should check how’s the driver using them.

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