Allocate dynamic 2D aray of different dimensions how to?


I would like to allocate 2D array of arbitrary sizes to support coalescend access. I found the following example in C:

int numRows, numCols;

int **arrayPtr;

int rowIndex, colIndex;

printf("Enter values for numRows and numCols\n");



/* Create space for first array (array of pointers to each row). */

arrayPtr = (int **) malloc(numRows*sizeof(int));

if (arrayPtr == NULL)


        printf("Not enough memory\n");



/* Loop through first array and create space for according to number of columns.*/	

for(rowIndex=0;rowIndex < numRows;rowIndex++)


	arrayPtr[rowIndex] = malloc(numCols*sizeof(int));

	if (arrayPtr[rowIndex] == NULL)


        	printf("Not enough memory\n");




This can be directly translated into CudaMalloc I believe.

However, there’s one issue I’m afraid of. Namely, first allocation creates arrays of pointers. Later, subsequent allocations generate NEW array in a different memory space. Accessing this actual 2D array would require dereferencing pointers from first array, which can cause signinifacnt slowdown and cancel all benefits from coalescend access. Or am I wrong?

The question is:

How to allocate a consistent array which could be accessed directly by [row][column] indexes?