App Run Fails With Errors

Previously i haven’t generated the yolov4.engine using the method in the README. Instead, i have followed this method: I got the onnx file for the pretrained yolov4 model from onnx model zoo. Then, have created yolov4.engine with this command:

trtexec --onnx=yolov4.onnx --saveEngine=yolov4.engine

on my Jetson Nano. At the directory where my yolov4.onnx file resides.

Now, i have tried to generate the yolov4.engine according to the README. I have managed to build the darknet i have cloned from with cuDNN and OpenCV. I have cloned the the conversion repository and then, used this command to convert yolov4 model to onnx:

python3 ~/yolo_workspace/darknet/cfg/yolov4.cfg ~/yolo_workspace/darknet/data/coco.names ~/yolo_workspace/darknet/yolov4.weights ~/yolo_workspace/darknet/data/dog.jpg 1

After the command, i got this output: Illegal instruction (core dumped)
