Argus epoch timestamp from CSI camera

We try to acquire epoch timestamp from my CSI camera on TX2 using Argus API.

We already succeeded to get a relative timestamp by using two different methods:

  • getTime method from EGLStream::IFrame
  • getSensorTimestamp method from EGLStream::IArgusCaptureMetadata
  • Both seems to be relative to camera deamon start time.

    Is there any way to acquire epoch timestamp directly from frame at reception ?
    Or can you tell us the relation between relative sensor time and epoch time.

    Here is the code sample:

    EGLStream::IArgusCaptureMetadata* iArgusCaptureMetadata = Argus::interface_cast<EGLStream::IArgusCaptureMetadata>(m_MetadataContainer);
                    EGLStream::IFrame *iFrame = Argus::interface_cast<EGLStream::IFrame>(m_Frame);
                    if (iFrame)
                        EGLStream::Image *eglImage = iFrame->getImage();
                        EGLStream::IImage *iImage = Argus::interface_cast<EGLStream::IImage>(eglImage);
                        Argus::CaptureMetadata* argusCaptureMetadata = iArgusCaptureMetadata->getMetadata();
                        Argus::ICaptureMetadata* iCaptureMetadata = Argus::interface_cast<Argus::ICaptureMetadata>(argusCaptureMetadata);
                        timestamp1 = iFrame->getTime();
                        // OR
                        timestamp2 = iCaptureMetadata->getSensorTimestamp();

    Below topic may relative
