I used ArticulationView (omni.isaac.core.articulations.ArticulationView) to control multiple actors in reinforcement learning environment. In every time step, torque is set to the DoF using ArticulationView.set_joint_efforts(efforts).
However, when I tried to read the applied efforts using ArticulationView.get_applied_actions(), the read joint_efforts is always None. Is this a bug?
Btw, what is the unit of effort/torque in the api? I thought it should be Nm (Newton*Meter). But when I apply 1 Nm of torque, it cannot even raise a rod of only 20g. If I scale the torques by 100, it seams normal.
joint efforts api is missing in the current release in the view classes. This will be added in a future release. Its not a bug but a missing feature atm.