Do you hit this error before applying the patch?
Could you refer to Jetpack 6 - UEFI stuck on HspDoorbellEnableChannel: Waiting for HSP Doorbell Channel Enabled - #10 by WayneWWW and check if it could help in your RAS error?
Do you hit this error before applying the patch?
Could you refer to Jetpack 6 - UEFI stuck on HspDoorbellEnableChannel: Waiting for HSP Doorbell Channel Enabled - #10 by WayneWWW and check if it could help in your RAS error?
No, the initial problem I was ran into was the a failed assertion in (3):
ASSERT [FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm] /out/nvidia/optee.t234-uefi/StandaloneMmOptee_RELEASE/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Drivers/FvbNorFlashDxe/FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm.c(937): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))
That brought me to this thread. I then followed the steps provided above to rebuild images, update the BSP workspace, and then flash the devkit.
After that, on device boot, I now run into this RAS error instead of the assertion failure.
You are the only one hitting RAS error after applying the patch.
I would suggest you creating another topic and share the steps and each commands you used to apply the change.