Async GPU Data Tranfer with CUDA Fortran

I was wondering if the following “algorithm” would work to asynchronously
transfer data to device while other work (to eventually supplement the data being transferred) is done on cpu …

Two Questions:
(1) Is it ok to mix fortran allocate, etc with CUDA runtime API?
(2) To transfer the 3D array as shown, can I use a cudaMemcpyAsync()
or do I need a cudaMemcpy3DAsync() whereby I need to set pitch
and depth parameters to the array prior to transferring?


… program below …

module cuda_gen
use cudafor
real, pinned, allocatable:: a_cpu(:,:,:)
real, device, allocatable:: a_dev(:,:,:)
subroutine set_memory(ix,jx,kx)
integer,intent(in):: ix,jx,kx
end subroutine
end module cuda gen

program main
use cuda_gen
ix= 90
jx= 10
kx= 13

call set_memory(ix,jx,kx)

a_cpu(:,:,:)= …

istat= cudaStreamCreate(id_stream)
istat= cudaMemcpyAsync(a_dev,a_cpu, ixjxkx, id_stream)
. . .
do something else on cpu but not on a_cpu
. . .
istat= cudaStreamSynchronize(id_stream)
istat= cudaStreamDestroy(id_stream)
. . .

end program main

Hi Don,

Is it ok to mix fortran allocate, etc with CUDA runtime API?

Yes. The error you sent to TRS has to do with the Fortran array descriptor not being allocated by cudaMalloc. Copying data is fine.

(2) To transfer the 3D array as shown, can I use a cudaMemcpyAsync()


or do I need a cudaMemcpy3DAsync() whereby I need to set pitch
and depth parameters to the array prior to transferring?

You need to us the 2D/3D versions of Memcpy when copying non-contiguous arrays, such as the interior of an array. Since you’re copying the entire array, and the array’s memory is contiguous, then it’s fine to use cudaMemcpyAsync.

Hope this helps,