Attach two RGB cameras' render products to the same writer to output depth images

Hi! I would like to simulate a stereo camera rig and output to a ROS 2 topic a depth image. Instead of using the already provided ground truth depth maps from the camera sensors, I would like to inject my own stereo matching algorithm into the simulator. For example, I would like to call OpenCV’s algorithm (see here with the two RGB images. Is it possible to synchronize the render products of two cameras in a single Writer implementation? How could it be achieved?

I’m using ROS 2 Humble and Isaac 4.2.

Thanks in advance.

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This can be achieved with Replicator writers. Please refer to this example of multiple cameras using the “Basic” writer.

Thank you @phennings for your response.
This seems to be exactly what I needed in conjunction with Custom Writer — Omniverse Extensions latest documentation