Audio input/output on Drive AGX

Hi there,

What are the options for audio input/output processing on Drive AGX?



Hi bogdan0kg3v,

For audio input/output. There is no formally supported method, but USB audio should be possible as it is used by Drive IX.

You would need to utilize a USB audio device, such as a USB Audio adapter: or a device like a USB headset.

Then you’ll need to work through the alsamixer settings to get audio to work properly for the USB device.

Hope it helps!

FYI: I have tried to play sound on Drive AGX with USB audio interface. I could not configure sound on Ubuntu setting screen. After starting pulseaudio, I could configure from the setting screen and played sound as usual Ubuntu.

I used following command (or added the line on .bashrc).
pulseaudio -D

I suppose I should use systemctl to launch pulseaudio but I could not start user service. I have not investigated about it and bashrc is enough for my temporal use.
This may be different from original intention but it may be helpful for other Drive AGX users.