Aurix CAN trouble

I’m having trouble connecting to the Aurix CAN channels.

I cannot find the referenced here: DRIVEPX2 EASYCAN SETUP GUIDE - FAQ - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Can you post an example? Or direct me to the location?

After going through the instructions on that link, I receive the following when I run

./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=, bus=a

“AurixCAN: expected bus={a,b,c,d} to be set to a valid CAN bus
Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT: AurixCAN: bus parameter is invalid”


Dear samrustan,

As described in the link “We created a sample script ( to generate 120 CAN IDs for CAN A.” you can create sample conf file for your test.

Please run ./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=,bus=a
not ./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=, bus=a

Yes, I have it working now.
