Backup license server

Is it possible to set up a failover license server pgi 9.0? I have a floating license daemon running on rhel 5 server, and trying to set up another server for backup.
Thank you!

Hi pvdv,

The easiest thing to do is to create a unique license for the back-up server and then only start it up if the first system goes down. Though, this would entail generating two licenses for the same PIN, so please contact PGI customer support ( and they can help you with this.

A more difficult solution is to create a set of redundant license servers. If any one were to go down, then the other’s would be able to handle the license requests without loss of service. However, you’ll need an odd number of servers (minimum of 3), generate a license that has all the server’s hostids and and host names, and start-up all the servers at the same time.

Hope this helps,