'basename: missing operand' Error when deploying tutorial code to Jetson Xavier

I am trying to deploy code to my the Jetson Xavier that uses the camera. From the Jetson SDK docs there is an opencv tutorial for edge detection. I am able to build and run it locally on my workstation but have issues deploying it to the Jetson over ssh.

Here is my command and error:

ben@bentop:~/isaac_sdk$ ./engine/build/deploy.sh --remote_user USER -p //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:opencv_edge_detection -d jetpack44 -h ROBOTIP --run
Loading: 0 packages loaded
Analyzing: target //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:opencv_edge_detection (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)
WARNING: /home/ben/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ben/c1dbedc7d0ad7203e60e8b84d952bbbe/external/opencv_aarch64_jetpack42/BUILD.bazel:11:1: in linkstatic attribute of cc_library rule @opencv_aarch64_jetpack42//:opencv_aarch64_jetpack42: setting ‘linkstatic=1’ is recommended if there are no object files
INFO: Analyzed target //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:opencv_edge_detection (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target…
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.196s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 0 total actions
INFO: Build completed successfully, 0 total actions
basename: missing operand
Try ‘basename --help’ for more information.

I have a hunch it could be something to do with differing jetpack versions but I just don’t know.

try //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:opencv_edge_detection-pkg.