I wanted to know is there a way to make the basic writer output the data for a single camera in folders by output type (rgb, bounding box, etc).
When there are multiple render products this issue does not occur, all outputs are in separate folders by type and render product.
Is this a bug, and is there a way I can get the desired output?
Hi there,
basic writer has the following argument related to saving to folder, see if it fits your needs:
If ``True``, output for each annotator coming from multiple render products are saved under a common directory
with the render product as the filename prefix (eg. <render_product_name>_<annotator_name>_<sequence>.<format>).
If ``False``, multiple render product outputs are placed into their own directory
(eg. <render_product_name>/<annotator_name>_<sequence>.<format>). Setting is ignored if using the writer with
a single render product. Defaults to ``False``.
You can also change this with a more custom logic by overwriting the basic writer.
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