
I intend to flash my Jetson nano to BootFromUSB. Referring to the instruction, I need to get into the Linux_for_Tera directory. Where is this directory?


To set up a flash drive manually for booting

6.Connect the Jetson device to a host computer and put it into recovery mode, then enter the following commands to generate the rootfs without flashing the device:
$ cd Linux_for_Tegra/
$ sudo BOOTDEV=sda1 ./ --no-flash sda1

Please download the BSP directory by using the sdkmanager.

You need to prepare another x86 host for sdkmanager.

In brief, the document is talking about “preparing the usb drive on x86 host machine and then plug to jetson”.

Note: JetPack/SDK Manager is the front end installer, while L4T (Ubuntu plus drivers) is what actually gets flashed. The two have their versions locked together. The 4.x release of JetPack corresponds to the R32.x release of L4T. A web URL to one leads to the other. So search here (then this goes on the host PC; Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 works with a Nano):

The sdkmanager program will download the “Linux_for_Tegra/” content for you. Tell it to download but not flash, then you can use command line as you mention. It will go to:
(you can unset a lot of operations even though it isn’t obvious, e.g., you can choose to not install content to the host PC itself, or to not flash…which could be useful if you just flash, and then later want to use it for optional software install)

Thanks both!

The problem is still there. It shows an error message, “No SDK are available for your account”. Is my account corrupted? If so, what can I do?

Are you using a ubuntu that is neither16.04 nor 18.04?

I am going with 18.04.

Are you using the most recent of the JetPack 4.x series (L4T R32.x+)? You can’t use JetPack 5.x with a Nano. FYI, JetPack and L4T releases are tied together. See either of these for JetPack 4.x or L4T R32.x:

If you need an older release, then typically you’d get the latest JetPack 4.x (for Nano since 5.x is incompatible with a Nano), and then you could see older releases via:
sdkmanager --archivedversions

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