Booting Orin Nano via PXE over IPv4 issue

I have a Jetson Orin Nano 4GB and 8GB running Jetpack 6.1 and I am trying to get it booting via PXE based on what your documentation describes here:

I checked all files and configurations multiple times. They are correctly set up.
The grubnetaa64.efi.signed file is reachable via TFPT and the NFS is also exposed according to your documentation. Unfortunately I do not even get to this point.
The boot via PXE stops with error code: PXE-E16: No valid offer received.
But when I run Wireshark on the Ethernet-Connection I can clearly see that a DHCP Offer is sent via Broadcast:

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Offer)
    Message type: Boot Reply (2)
    Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
    Hardware address length: 6
    Hops: 0
    Transaction ID: 0xe57ee678
    Seconds elapsed: 0
    Bootp flags: 0x8000, Broadcast flag (Broadcast)
        1... .... .... .... = Broadcast flag: Broadcast
        .000 0000 0000 0000 = Reserved flags: 0x0000
    Client IP address:
    Your (client) IP address:
    Next server IP address:
    Relay agent IP address:
    Client MAC address: NVIDIA_xx:xx:xx (48:b0:2d:xx:xx:xx)
    Client hardware address padding: 00000000000000000000
    Server host name not given
    Boot file name: efi/grubnetaa64.efi.signed
    Magic cookie: DHCP
    Option: (53) DHCP Message Type (Offer)
        Length: 1
        DHCP: Offer (2)
    Option: (54) DHCP Server Identifier (
        Length: 4
        DHCP Server Identifier:
    Option: (51) IP Address Lease Time
        Length: 4
        IP Address Lease Time: (43200s) 12 hours
    Option: (1) Subnet Mask (
        Length: 4
        Subnet Mask:
    Option: (3) Router
        Length: 4
    Option: (17) Root Path
        Length: 10
        Root Path: /srv/tftp/
    Option: (255) End
        Option End: 255
    Padding: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It seems that this Offer is not received by the Jetson.
Is there anything wrong with this offer that keeps the Jetson from accepting it?

Hi harald.funk,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin Nano?
Could you also verify with the latest Jetpack 6.2(R36.4.3)?

Please share the full log when you try to boot from PXE.

I am using standard devkit right now:

  • 8GB: Nvidia devkit
  • 4GB: Seedstudio devkit

Issue is same on both setups

That’s all I get on serial console:

Jetson System firmware version 36.2.0-gcid-35084178 date 2023-12-19T05:26:19+00:
ESC   to enter Setup.
F11   to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.
**  WARNING: Test Key is used.  **

>>Start PXE over IPv4.
  PXE-E16: No valid offer received.

 e[2Je[01;01He[12;23He[0me[30me[47m                boot                e[13;23He[0me[37me[40m   Reboot Into Firmware Interface   e[14;01H  

This error means that the Orin Nano(client) cannot receive any response(EFI_NO_RESPONSE) from PXE server.

Please share detailed steps how did you configure PXE server from host.
In addition, do you configure UEFI to disable some network feature?

It seems you are using JP6.0 DP(r36.2.0), which is the developer preview release.
Could you update to the latest JP6.2(r36.4.3) to verify?