I am trying to use bot_functions for nano_llm on jetson orin agx but it does not exit the function neither on a standalone script or agent studio. I am running the latest version of jetpack for the nano_llm container
Could you share more details about how you use it?
You can find an example of Bot Functions usage below:
Yes i can. In Agent studio, when i connect the clock tool (a bot function), it does not reply with the time when asked for the time.
I have also tried using the sample code given on Chat — NanoLLM 24.7 documentation
Previously, it seemed model dependent where the function would be called but never exited on LLama3 and never called on VILA but now it is not being called by LLama3 either.
I will also try this example
I have something similar. I created this post: Function calling on Jetson Orin - Unable to run `bot_functions` in the latest dustynv/nano_llm docker container (dustynv/nano_llm:24.8-r36.3.0).
Will update there if I find something.