Hello NVIDIA team,
For Jetson AGX Xavier where can I get the file bringup_tests_L4TRELEASEVERSION.tbz2 ?
I can get the file bringup_framework_L4TRELEASEVERSION.tbz2 from here https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-linux-r3541 , but the readme inside of it mentions that I also need a bringup_tests tbz2 file.
I cannot seem to find the bringup tests tbz2 file for any of the Jetson Linux versions.
It looks like the bringup_tests package of r35.4.1 is missing. We will check this and update.
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It is present for download at Jetson Linux 35.4.1 | NVIDIA Developer
Please check it again. Thanks
I have checked again but I do not see the bringup_tests, I only see the bringup_framework.
@kayccc @DaneLLL I have checked again but I do not see the bringup_tests, I only see the bringup_framework.
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