BroadR-Reach connection to Drive AGX

Please provide the following info:
Hardware Platform:DRIVE AGX Dual Xavier
Software Version: DRIVE Software 10
Host Machine Version:native Ubuntu 18.04
SDK Manager Version:Example:

We are trying to connect Continental ARS-430 RADAR to DRIVE AGX with BroadR-Reach protocol. Can you please help us with the hardware connection? Can we connect the Radar directly to DRIVE AGX or do we need any intermediate converter? Please share us a picture of connection if possible.


Hi @shu7725,

Please refer to “Radar Unit Connections” section in the document or “Connections to NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Pegasus DevKit” section in “DRIVE Hyperion Hardware Installation Guide”. Thanks!

Thanks for the quick reply.
We have the Conti ARS 430 Radar with us. RADAR IP is in the domain 192.168.XX.XX.
Do we have to make any modification in sample_radar_reply to visualize the Radar data?


I think so. Could you refer to the documentation I pointed out to know if any difference from the one used in Hyperion? any issue on your side? What’s your command? Thanks!

I have managed to connect the Radar to DRIVEBOX and I can see the data on Wireshark. But, to visualize the Radar data on sample_radar_reply too, what modification do I have to do?

I executed following commands,
sudo ifconfig eth0:900 || true
sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0:900 || true
sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0:900 || true

The I executed sample_radar_reply with this command,
./sample_radar_replay --protocol=radar.socket --params=device=CONTINENTAL_ARS430,ip=,port=31122, multicast-ip=

The execution of the last command failed with error message about Multicast IP failure.

Can you help me with this.


Please refer to the radar settings in /usr/local/driveworks/tools/preFlightChecker/config/hyperion7-1-full.json on your host system (with DRIVE Software 10 installed).

Hi VickNV,

Where can I order the radar cable described in “Connections to NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Pegasus DevKit” section in “DRIVE Hyperion Hardware Installation Guide”

I’d like to connect multiple ARS430s.


Hi @atsutaka ,

Could you create another topic linked to this topic for your question? Thanks.

Hi Shu7725,

how did you managed to connect the Radar to Drivebox and to see the data in wireshark? I also have a radar with Radar IP 192.168.X.X connected to the Drivebox over BroadR-Reach.

If i execute:
sudo ifconfig eth0:900 || true
sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0:900 || true
sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0:900 || true

i don’t see any data. Can someone help me out?