Broken`for 32.7.1

To replicate bug:

$ tools/ ‑‑username plantium ‑‑password plantium --accept-license
ERROR: Invalid parameter. Exiting...
Usage: [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-a] [-h]
	-u | --username	- If not specified then default will be set to 'nvidia'.
	-p | --password	- If not set then randomized password will be generated.
	-a | --autologin - If specified autologin will be enabled. Default is disabled
	-n | --hostname - If not specified then default will be set to 'tegra-ubuntu'.
	-h | --help - print usage
	     --accept-license - Specified to accept the terms and conditions of EULA
Example: -u nvidia -p NDZjMWM4 -u ubuntu -a -n tegra

Hi emessulam,

Please run with sudo permission.

$ sudo ./tools/ --username nvidia --password nvidia --accept-license


sudo tools/ ‑‑username plantium ‑‑password plantium --accept-license
ERROR: Invalid parameter. Exiting...
Usage: [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-a] [-h]
	-u | --username	- If not specified then default will be set to 'nvidia'.
	-p | --password	- If not set then randomized password will be generated.
	-a | --autologin - If specified autologin will be enabled. Default is disabled
	-n | --hostname - If not specified then default will be set to 'tegra-ubuntu'.
	-h | --help - print usage
	     --accept-license - Specified to accept the terms and conditions of EULA
Example: -u nvidia -p NDZjMWM4 -u ubuntu -a -n tegra

Hi emessulam,

Can you re-download the package and try again?
We don’t hit this issue on JP-4.6.1.

Try to actually type the command, don’t copy/paste. You must have copied it from a doc that converted the two dashes to non-ASCII.

eg: --username, not ‑‑username (the second one is copy/paste from your above, they are NOT two ASCII dashes before username).

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