Bug in bounding box filter

This Bug will impact the object detection outputs if user set detected-max-* in [class-attrs-…] groups.
DeepStream version: 4.0 and 4.0.1
Source code file: deepstream-4.0.1\deepstream_sdk_v4.0.1_jetson\sources\gst-plugins\gst-nvinfer\gstnvinfer_meta_utils.cpp:72
Line: 72
Function: attach_metadata_detector()

The original code:

if (filter_params.detectionMaxHeight > 0 &&
        obj.width > filter_params.detectionMaxHeight)

The correct code should be:

if (filter_params.detectionMaxHeight > 0 &&
        obj.height > filter_params.detectionMaxHeight)

Hi, yes, this is a bug. We will fix it in upcoming release.