bug report ? gridDim changes within a kernel

Hi all,

I am trying to implement a simple calculation. For this I need to check if my indices reside within the matrix dimensions in case N*blocksizeX != width_Matrix for instance. More precisely, I use the variable gridDim in order to check whether my block has reached the border of the matrix or not.

I was assuming that griDim does not vary within a kernel , but it does:

just call the kernel with the the following dimensions (20x20 = dim(A/S/C))

dim3 grid(5,1,1);

dim3 block(4,32,1);


and use the following kernel

__global__ void

test_kernel( float* global_A, float* global_S, float* global_C, \

        const int NUM_EL, const int LEFT_EL_X, const int LEFT_EL_Y) 



	const int BLOCK_DIM_X = blockDim.x;

	const int BLOCK_DIM_Y = blockDim.y;

	const int GRID_DIM_X = gridDim.x;

	const int GRID_DIM_Y = gridDim.y;

	int thx = threadIdx.x;

	int thy = threadIdx.y;

	int blx = blockIdx.x;

	int bly = blockIdx.y;

	int block_index_A  = __mul24(__mul24(blx,NUM_EL),BLOCK_DIM_X) + __mul24(bly,BLOCK_DIM_Y);

	int	thread_index_A = thy + __mul24(thx,NUM_EL);

	int block_index_S  = __mul24(__mul24(blx,NUM_EL),BLOCK_DIM_X) + __mul24(blx,BLOCK_DIM_X);

	int thread_index_S = thx + __mul24(thx,NUM_EL);

	if (blx < GRID_DIM_X-1 && bly == GRID_DIM_Y-1) {

  if(thy < LEFT_EL_Y )

  	global_C[block_index_A + thread_index_A] = GRID_DIM_Y;


	else if(blx == GRID_DIM_X-1 && bly < GRID_DIM_Y-1){

  if(thx < LEFT_EL_X)

  	global_C[block_index_A + thread_index_A] = GRID_DIM_Y;


	else if(blx == GRID_DIM_X-1 && bly == GRID_DIM_Y-1){

  if(thx < LEFT_EL_X && thy < LEFT_EL_Y)

  	global_C[block_index_A + thread_index_A] = GRID_DIM_Y;


	else if(blx < GRID_DIM_X-1 && bly < GRID_DIM_Y-1)

  global_C[block_index_A + thread_index_A] =GRID_DIM_Y;


Hope i provided enough information.

any help would be appreciated!


okay, think i had some mistakes in the code which resulted in this strange behavior. However, the algorithm works now.