Building an NVIDIA Pure SONiC Image

Originally published at:

Pure SONiC is the version of SONiC that eliminates vendor dependence. Being community developed, publicly available, and 100% open source enables you to build a Pure SONiC image that is in sync with the desired community branch. It means that every line of code of SONiC and NVIDIA implementation of SAI (switch abstraction interface) is…

When can support Debian 10?

201911 is unstable for python 3.

Sonic is try to use py3 totally.

Hello Lanhsin, thanks for your query.

Debian 10 is supported on the 2020-12 branch.

you could build your own tested image based on 5bdbfcfb2647cf1db59401e82807c748838ffee4 from GitHub - sonic-net/sonic-buildimage at 202012

Please reach out to me for any queries.

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Thanks for your quickly response.

It’s nice to hear the news.

Maybe I need to find the time to talk to my colleague when to switch to 202012.

Thanks again.

Hello Yuval,
I am trying to build SONIC on debian 9, arm64 machine for VS . The build(make terget/sonic-vs.img.gz) fails looking for some amd.deb files and when I resume the build it continues for some more time and fails again. I wanted to know if you have made any changes while building SONIC for arm64 in any of the Makefile or the source code. Any help or pointers are much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Hello prashantkalikotay1995] , Let’s continue this discussion via email and I’ll update this thread when we get to a conclusion

Hello Yuval, I encountered a similar error to prashantkalikotay1995. Any resolutions ? I am trying to build an image with PINS

For anyone who’s curious. I was able to successfully build the image on 2nd attempt. The following features were enabled specifically by editing the rules/config file

ZTP, RESTAPI and P4RT. Using the latest master branch

The only thing I did differently was that I run an apt-get update before my 2nd attempt. I did not use the scripts in the blog but definitely follow the steps.

If you are trying to build it, make sure you specify your target similar to this target/sonic-mellanox.bin in your make command