Written minimal code of a kernel module registering RDMA-client using two functions ib_register_client(), ib_unregister_client(). The compiled code with the source code can be downloaded from the repository: GitHub - sSadin/rdma_core_init: Trying to init RDMA provided by Mellanox adapters in kernel module GitHub - sSadin/rdma_core_init: Trying to init RDMA provided by Mellanox adapters in kernel module
The compilation is successful. However, the module isn’t loading, it generates an error in the system log:
… rdma_init: disagrees about version of symbol ib_unregister_client
… rdma_init: Unknown symbol ib_unregister_client (err -22)
… rdma_init: disagrees about version of symbol ib_register_client
… rdma_init: Unknown symbol ib_register_client (err -22)
Installed OS: Ubunto 16.04
@uname -r
Installed Mellanox software: MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.4-
with command:
@./mlnxofedinstall --add-kernel-support
After install, there is new catalogs:
with includes. But in /usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-116/include have “old” versions of files.
@modinfo rdma_core_init.ko
srcversion: 21C176F120C52D1ED6D19F1
depends: ib_core
vermagic: 4.4.114
@modinfo ib_core
filename: /lib/modules/4.4.114/updates/dkms/ib_core.ko
description: core kernel InfiniBand API
srcversion: A1112DAE0CC4C253540C773
depends: mlx_compat
vermagic: 4.4.114
Note: if open the generated file rdma_init.mod.ko:
{ 0x51b43427, __VMLINUX_SYMBOL_STR(ib_register_client) },
and i open file ib_core.ko from path: /lib/modules/4.4.114/build/drivers/infiniband/core
CRC for this function is the same:
0000000051b43427 A __crc_ib_register_client
But command [modinfo ib_core] points to path: /lib/modules/4.4.114/updates/dkms, and CRC for this function is:
00000000b184c3d5 A __crc_ib_register_client
Q: what should I do to compile and load the module correctly?