Bup update faile on L4T R32.7.3

Hi, we updated to L4T R32.7.3 from R32.4.2, and gernerat the bup, but update bup fialed.
The error as follow:

Warning. Cannot find COMPATIBLE_SPEC in /etc/nv_boot_control.conf
SPEC: 3448-300-0002–1-0-jetson-nano-devkit-emmc-smpsq-mmcblk0p1

Error. Invalid input blob file.
Input magic: NVIDIA__BLOB__V2
Expected magic: NVIDIA__BLOB__V2
Input version: 0x01020621
Expected version: 0x00020000
Input type: 0
Expected type: 0 (type 1 BMP blobs are not currently supported)
No changes have been made. Exiting…

We compare the difference betwen R32.4.2 and R32.7.3, foud the different file BUP_generator.py, if we modify the BUP_generator.py to old, and gernerate bup,and it can update success.
So help to check the differern whether need on R32.7.3.
BUP_generator-r32.4.2.py (27.1 KB)
BUP_generator-r32.7.3.py (29.0 KB)


This is custom board so default BSP does not support it.

SPEC: 3448-300-0002–1-0-jetson-nano-devkit-emmc-smpsq-mmcblk0p1

But, the same method on R32.4.2, it is ok, and we changed BUP_generator.py, it is also ok used custom board name jetson-nano-devkit-emmc-smpsq.

Do you have devkit that can reproduced this issue?

哎,我用中文再描述下吧,我们现在升级到R32.7.3后,生成bup,然后升级失败,出错! 对比32.7.3和之前的32.4.2,BUP_generator.py有差异,把这个文件改成32.4.2的,生成bup后升级成功, 所以上传了这两个文件,32.7.3中加入了NVIDIA__BLOB__V2这种内容,导致升级失败。
我们之前使用32.4.2时, bup升级都是没问题的


我們這裡沒有你的custom board或是BSP. 所以希望先澄清一下這個問題是否只有custom board config會碰到 還是說default board config也可以複製到問題?



nv_boot_control.conf (137 Bytes)



請問一下你那邊的BUP生成的版本跟 l4t_payload_updater_t210.py版本是否不同?

目前看起來問題是你用32.7.3生成BUP但是還是用32.4.X的python tool做更新



l4t_payload_updater_t210.py is in the rootfs.

You need to upgrade to rel-32.7.3 rootfs first and then update the bootloader.

rel-32.7.3 rootfs指的是Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.7.3_aarch64.tbz2吗?

Linux_for_Tegra下面本身就有個"rootfs" 如果你jetpack已經裝過了 那host上就會有了 不需要另外解一包.

Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.7.3_aarch64.tbz2 里没找到这个文件

完整檔名沒有.py ->/usr/sbinl4t_payload_updater_t210.

sudo find -name l4t_payload_updater* 用的这个命令搜索的,没搜到

厄… 讓我解釋一下

如果你已經用過sdkmanager裝過BSP, 就直接用那包BSP去找就好了 不需要另外抓一包tarball.
你那包rootfs tarball並沒有包含所有的檔案. 手動安裝還有其他步驟要做…
但sdkmanger會幫你全部做完… 所以並不需要執著在使用tarball rootfs…

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