Caffeparser parse prelu and permute layer failed!

when caffeparser parse permutelayer, it omits the error:

nvinfer1::ILayer* nvcaffeparser1::parsePermute(nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition&, const trtcaffe::LayerParameter&, nvcaffeparser1::CaffeWeightFactory&, nvcaffeparser1::BlobNameToTensor&): Assertion `parserutils::volume(topDims) == parserutils::volume(bottomDims)’ failed.

when parse Prelu layer :
[TRT][ERROR]Parameter check failed at: …/builder/Network.cpp::addConstant::770, condition: allDimsGtEq(dimensions, 1)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

When use dynamic_input. The dim is change to NCHW rather than 3 dims. So it will occur dims matching problems.

Aborted (core dumped)