Calculating HQ camera readout speed in Jetson Nano

hello flashsquirrel,

please refer to below for a diagram to picture the capture frames with rolling shutter rule,
you should observe that, readout time = csi end - csi start

 ^                  <---frame--length--->
 |    <exposure-time>                   |
 |    _______________     ______________|
 |    \              \    \             |\
Row    \              \    \            | \
 |      \   Frame 0    \    \   Frame 1 |  \
 |       \              \    \          |   \
 |________\______________\____\_________|____\_________> time
                                        ^     ^
                                        |     |
                                       csi   csi
                                      start  end
  • Readout time = csi end - csi start
  • Exposure time <= frame length
  • Frame length >= readout time

I’m still not clearly understand your use-case.
what’s the abnormal results you’d seen, are you having objects moving around?