

About a month ago you helped me with some instability issues with LibArgus.

Part of the solution was to replace the camera-rtcpu-t234-rce.imgfile with one you supplied:

I was wondering, is there a way to update a running unit with that image file without reflashing ?


For the camera basic functionality first needs to check the device and driver configuration.
You can reference to below program guide for the detailed information of device tree and driver implementation.

Please refer to Applications Using V4L2 IOCTL Directly by using V4L2 IOCTL to verify basic camera functionality.

Once confirm the configure and still failed below link help to get log and some information and some tips for debug.



Did you even read my question before providing your answer?

You helped me last time. Do you know if I can update the camera-rtcpu-t234-rce.imgon a running unit without reflashing it ?

You can flash the RCE firmware only in recovery mode.
Even with df command to update the RCE partition still need reboot the system to reload it.


Seems like I can do it with an OTA package:

Yes, OTA is update the RCE partition too and need to reboot the system to take effect.