Camera view error

When I set the camera position to be gym.set_camera_location(ch, env, gymapi.Vec3(0,0,1.5), gymapi.Vec3(0,0,0.5))
I got black images.

However, if I set the camera position to be gym.set_camera_location(ch, env, gymapi.Vec3(0,0.00001,1.5), gymapi.Vec3(0,0,0.5))

I got normal images.

Hi @floodsung,

Based on the information you provided, it is possible that when setting the camera position to (0, 0, 1.5), the camera is being placed exactly at ground-level, and the capture from the camera is displaying black areas beneath/above the ground (without seeing the ground plane). When the camera is set to (0, 0.00001, 1.5), it brings the camera above ground and you are able to capture normal images. If you suspect there are other issues, it would be helpful if you could provide us with a test script that we can run to reproduce your errors and we can look into it further!