CAN Bus can0 errors on 250 baud rate

We are using the PX2 Tegra A for some CAN message sending and receiving. We are using can0, which we have defined by editing ‘/etc/network/interfaces’ and doing the following:

allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 250000
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE down
up /sbin/ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 20000
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE type can bitrate 250000 restart-ms 10
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE up

Then, when we restart the computer and turn on our CAN devices, we are able to communicate, however with some specific messages sent, our CAN bus crashes and we cannot send or receive any more messages. If we connect to these devices without the PX2, say by plugging them into our windows laptop and using PCAN-view, we get no such errors.

We are also able to change one of our devices baud rates, so when we make it 500, and then switch the can0 setting above to be 500000, we get no such errors. Is there an issue with using the PX2 on 250 kbit/s baud rate, or is there something that needs to be done to not have this issue on 250?

Dear vdonikia,
Could you share the complete steps to reproduce this issue on our end. If you are not using latest release for DRIVE PX 2, could you please upgrade and check the issue?

Dear vdonikia,

Were you able to resolve the issue? We are facing the same problem.

When configured to 250 kBaud, and DrivePX is connected to the CAN bus, communiction crashes. Without DrivePX everything is fine.
When replayed the same data from a Vector device to the DrivePX, it crashes again (just to confirm that the problem is not with the network itself). But when configuring the DPX to 500 kbps and replaying the same data with 500 kbps, everything works well, all the messages are received.

The problem was the Aurix configuration. After setting CAN baud rate from the Aurix console (cansetbr e 250) communication works fine