Can CUDA be installed on Windows 11

Merhabalar, bir süredir bilgisayarıma Nvidia CUDA Toolkit kurmaya çalışıyorum fakat pek başarılı olamadım. İşletim sistemi olarak Windows 11 Home Single Language kullanıyorum acaba bu işletim sistemine CUDA kurulabiliyor mu? Bunu öğrenmek istiyordum bilgisi olan birisi yazabilirse çok mutlu olurum. Şimdiden teşekkürler

Hello, I have been trying to install Nvidia CUDA Toolkit on my computer for a while, but I haven’t been very successful. I use Windows 11 Home Single Language as my operating system. Is it possible to install CUDA on this operating system? I wanted to learn this, I would be very happy if someone with knowledge could write me. Thank you

Sistem bilgilerim / System Information:
OS: Windows 11 Home Single Language
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti
Tensorflow: 2.3.4 (I have to use this version)
Tensorflow-gpu: 2.3.1
Tensorflow-io: 0.15.0 (I have to use this version)

Hi @draxter ,
Did you check this?

You can install CUDA on Windows 11 Home Single Language. Just make sure you have the latest Nvidia drivers installed first. Then, download the CUDA Toolkit from the Nvidia website and follow the instructions.
If you have any compatibility issues or want a more stable system, think about upgrading to Windows 11 Pro. I found a good deal for a Windows 11 Pro key here:

You can install CUDA on Windows 11 Home Single Language without any issues, as long as you have the latest Nvidia drivers installed. Just download the CUDA Toolkit from Nvidia’s website and follow the setup instructions. If you want better stability or encounter compatibility problems, consider upgrading to Windows 11 Pro. I got a great deal on a Windows 11 Pro key from Digitlogs—it worked flawlessly for me!