Can I copy from global memory to texture memory?

Hi. I have some question.

“Can I copy from the global memory to the texture memory?”

Well… I know about “cudaMemcpyToArray()” function.

But this function transfer data from the host memory to the texture memory.

I don´t know how to do that.

Please, answer me.

Ps. I’m not skillful english. sorry.

see below

“Can I copy from the global memory to the texture memory?”
no, you can not copy from global memory to texture memoy, you only bind global memory to texture memory by using
cudaBindTexture() function

Well… I know about “cudaMemcpyToArray()” function.
But this function transfer data from the host memory to the texture memory.

cudaMemcpyToArray() transfer data from host/device memory to cudaArray (not to texture memory).

for more detail, please take a look at the nvidia Cuda programming guide