Can I use Holoscan in xavier agx? I have a few questions

I am a student studying robotics. I am planning to build a ROS-based robotic environment using ROS nitro in Omniverse. Additionally, I want to use behavior trees.

However, I noticed that HoloScan also introduces the concept of behavior trees.

  1. Is integration between HoloScan and Omniverse possible?
  2. Can HoloScan be used on AGX Xavier?
  3. Can robots be controlled with behavior trees through HoloScan without necessarily using ROS?

Thank you for your prompt reply

Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Sounds like a very interesting use case.

  1. Yes it is possible, internally we had a connector for Holoscan applications to read in data from Omniverse, but haven’t had a chance to publish that yet.
  2. The latest Holoscan SDK v1.0 is supported on the hardware listed in SDK Installation - NVIDIA Docs which don’t currently include AGX Xavier, but it includes AGX Orin.
  3. Could you describe how your pipeline is a little bit more?