I’m working with a Jetson AGX Orin and need to change the CAN interface pins (CANx_DIN, CANx_DOUT) from 3.3V to 5V operation.
These pins are defined as CMOS-3.3V Pin Type in the documentation.
Is there a way to reconfigure these pins for 5V operation, either through software settings or hardware modifications?
If possible, I’d prefer a solution that doesn’t require physical alterations to the board.
Any insights or official recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Hi minhye.yu,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
What’s the Jetpack version in use?
We don’t have logical high with 5V on Jetson.
Please use the level shifter for this use case.
I connected transceiver on the 40pin connectors 31 and 29 (can0) from the Jetson AGX Orin Dev Kit.
Please, reply me whether this connections has a problem.
J30 (40-pin header):
: [29] === U305.4 (RXD)
: [31] === U305.1 (TXD)
=== U305.5(RM)
: === U305.2 (GND)
Do you connect VDD_3V3 from AGX Orin to GND of your CAN transceiver module?
If you need 5V input for CAN transceiver, you can use PIN2 of 40-pins expansion header(J30).
I changed the connection from previous questions. This one is right.
J30 (40-pin header):
: [29] === U305.4 (RXD)
: [31] === U305.1 (TXD)
: === U305.2 (GND)
: === U305.5(RM)
I actually used additional 5V for U305.3. It is a good adivce to use J30.2 (VCC_5V).
I really want to use 5V for robustness of the CAN_H/L signals.
When I check the CAN0,1 GPIO characteristics of SOM are CMOS-3.3V only.
Therefore I questions first whether GPIO characteristcs of SOM can be modified to 5V for using single power source: 5V (U305.3 & U305.5).
You can use 5V input as power source for your module.
But the logical high is only 1.8V or 3.3V available on Jetson device.
Do you just want to use it for receiver mode so that you connect like this?