Can jarvis be used on a MacBook Pro?

The Support Matrix site says that the “preferred deployment platform” is NVIDIA Volta, Turing or A100 GPU. Is that only preferred or is that required?

Macs do not have an NVIDIA GPU so if that hardware is required I guess one cannot use Jarvis on a Mac.

Can Jarvis be run on a Jetson developer board?

Hi @hrishim,
Currently Jetson is not supported in this beta release. It may be supported in future release.
Please refer to support matrix for all the supported GPUs.


So all Jetson products are not supported?

Jetson Xavier NX and NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier specs says they have Volta Architecture (does not specify if it is Volta 100) - do either/both support Jarvis?

Hi @hrishim,

Thanks for your interest in this product.
Jetson is not supported in the beta release, it may be supported in future release. Please stay tuned for new release announcements for updates.
