Can flash the external device without network usb0?

dmesg.txt (69.6 KB)

it is OK?
i try it and find i can flash the nvme now .but i still find some print errors about ucsi_ccg as follows in my log,does it matter?
serial_log.txt (110.2 KB)
boot_log.txt (79.0 KB)
i disabled the i2c and typec connector node ,it now will not match the ucsi_ccg driver . then the error disappear

One of the reason for this might be EEPROM.size not set to zero in.dts file and DTB not built after this change

If your custom carrier board does not have an eeprom…
Try this change and see…

i do not think so .i have change it before , because if i don not change it ,i can not enter the system even use the

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